01483 497 693    07876 682 146   mail ben@urbanrural.co.uk      

It's your garden, your living space and always our pleasure to help develop its potential. We're a landscape design and construction business based in Guildford, Surrey. We have designed, built and developed projects throughout the Southeast - Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire and into Greater London.

Urban and Rural Landscape Construction has extensive experience in delivering gardens of quality. With expert application we will develop your outdoor space with distinction. Our professional but personal approach ensures we work closely along side our clients. We offer advice and ideas and are always keen to combine quality, sustainable materials with creativity to construct and transform your garden. Often it can be just a small practical improvement required, perhaps a makeover, but it might be that your garden’s in need of complete design and development. We bring quality and flair to your project to ensure it is individual, providing a good understanding of horticulture and of course that eye for detail.

Please call Ben today for your free consultation on 07876 682 146.